Tuesday, December 2, 2008

Blog 5

1) Uncharted Forrest symbolize where he finds true freedom for the first time and adopted new names that represent their true identities.

4) He now realizes he has a cause for his life. Now life in which he knows it is a less noble goal than what his efforts are.

3) a) I believe that this quote applies to me in many ways even though it is so simple. I know that in life we as people have a road to take, but I think that even if I choose the wrong path or right it was a reason I was guided that way. Not saying that every path you take is going to be the right one but it is one that will evenly guide you to your destiny.
b) This particular quote is one that hit close to me. I think that if everyone thought like this the world be a better place. Not saying that it isn't good to speak your mind which is something that I do when speaking upon my beliefs. Then also but to keep a situation from escalating this would be the best thing to do.

Thursday, November 20, 2008

Blog Four

1. I believe that the society is a place in which fears are set. It seems to me to be off and missing what people need. Me being a person in which I am wouldn't like to live in this socitey. I feel as if I did then I couldn't really fulfill my ture desires.

2.I think that the novel takes place back in a place where communist exist. It to me seems as if it's a time where it is the present for them but, the past for us.

3. In this chapter Equality discovers that it is Damned.

4. I think that Equality feels shame, but then he has the feelings of remorse. The teacher's reaction to Equailtys' curse is not a surprise. This is a society where people are jugde and held for petty things.

5. They fear what they don't know. They fear what the government will think. They also fear what the society around them will turn into. They fear the change or effect that it will bring upon the society.

6. At this point Equality is expericing the feeling of both rejection, shame, and remorse. Equality laughs because he is in aw about what is happening around him and in the society.

Wednesday, October 15, 2008

Blog Three

1. What might it be like to be in a society where there are no "selves" and "we" has replaced "I"? This question that has been opposed opun me is one quit puzzling in a way. I think that this would take away a lot of misunderstood perceptions of people which others oppose on them at times. When speaking of no "selves" this could stop a lot of greed but at the same time courrpt a person because no one is the same, because if there are no selves then it's we. Then again, if there is I how can we become we?

2.I think that names give an effect of what her concept is, as far as what the book is about. Often as the reader, reads you can notice that the character is not exactly addressed with a name but, with a number. Which is strange to me ,because I haven't yet graspped a full understanding of Ms.Rands writing.

3. I believe that the unspeakable word could possible change if used. This may happen only if, the people who take offense to it changes it's purpose. With this being said, over time in history we have seen the effect of words that it may have on one, but then in the long run it changes meaning for the one it was meant to take offense to but still has the same history in pass behind it.

Monday, September 22, 2008

"Man's Right's" vs "Collectivized Right's"

Ayn Rand, just from the little I have read is a very opinionated woman. The two portions of the article from my reading where very interesting. In the article a "Man's Right" she explored her opions expressing her philospy on the subject. Also in the reading "Collectivized Right's" she did the same but, set the two articles apart.
Ayn Rand took in the first article expressed what people should have the right to. Then in her next one she expressed the different moral right's and man's rights. Which to me contradited itself in a way. This is because in my own opinon how can something be justified by the world but at the same time be morally right even when wrong?
I believe that she has a great mind and plenty of great philosphy. All and all maybe she didn't contradict herself when writing but just merely opposed a different theory in her writng. I look forward to viewing more of her work and taking the time out to scrutinize her philosphy.


collectivism; Basicially is a political principle of centralized social and economic control; communism

individualism: The pursit of individual rather than common or collective interests

socialism: is the belief of distrubution, of capital, land, and more

capitalism: an econimic system where investment in the ownership of the means exchange of wealth is made and matained chiefly by private indivials

communism: when the government is in the controll of everything for the better of the community (nation)